提交 4150af00 作者: imClumsyPanda

merge master

......@@ -178,6 +178,6 @@ Web UI 可以实现如下功能:
- [ ] 实现调用 API 的 Web UI Demo
## 项目交流群
🎉 langchain-ChatGLM 项目交流群,如果你也对本项目感兴趣,欢迎加入群聊参与讨论交流。
......@@ -170,24 +170,25 @@ async def delete_docs(
async def chat(
knowledge_base_id: str = Body(..., description="知识库名字", example="kb1"),
question: str = Body(..., description="问题", example="工伤保险是什么?"),
knowledge_base_id: str = Body(..., description="Knowledge Base Name", example="kb1"),
question: str = Body(..., description="Question", example="工伤保险是什么?"),
history: List[List[str]] = Body(
description="History of previous questions and answers",
vs_path = os.path.join(VS_ROOT_PATH, knowledge_base_id)
resp = {}
if os.path.exists(vs_path) and knowledge_base_id:
if not os.path.exists(vs_path):
raise ValueError(f"Knowledge base {knowledge_base_id} not found")
for resp, history in local_doc_qa.get_knowledge_based_answer(
query=question, vs_path=vs_path, chat_history=history, streaming=False
query=question, vs_path=vs_path, chat_history=history, streaming=True
source_documents = [
......@@ -195,11 +196,6 @@ async def chat(
for inum, doc in enumerate(resp["source_documents"])
for resp_s, history in local_doc_qa.llm._call(prompt=question, history=history, streaming=False):
resp["result"] = resp_s
source_documents =[("当前知识库为空,如需基于知识库进行问答,请先加载知识库后,再进行提问。")]
return ChatMessage(
......@@ -3,17 +3,25 @@ import re
from typing import List
from configs.model_config import SENTENCE_SIZE
class ChineseTextSplitter(CharacterTextSplitter):
def __init__(self, pdf: bool = False, **kwargs):
self.pdf = pdf
def split_text1(self, text: str) -> List[str]:
def split_text1(self, text: str, use_document_segmentation: bool = False) -> List[str]:
# use_document_segmentation参数指定是否用语义切分文档,此处采取的文档语义分割模型为达摩院开源的nlp_bert_document-segmentation_chinese-base,论文见https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.09278
# 如果使用模型进行文档语义切分,那么需要安装modelscope[nlp]:pip install "modelscope[nlp]" -f https://modelscope.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/releases/repo.html
# 考虑到使用了三个模型,可能对于低配置gpu不太友好,因此这里将模型load进cpu计算,有需要的话可以替换device为自己的显卡id
if self.pdf:
text = re.sub(r"\n{3,}", "\n", text)
text = re.sub('\s', ' ', text)
text = text.replace("\n\n", "")
sent_sep_pattern = re.compile('([﹒﹔;﹖﹗.。!?]["’”」』]{0,2}|(?=["‘“「『]{1,2}|$))') # del :;
if use_document_segmentation:
result = p(documents=text)
sent_list = [i for i in result["text"].split("\n\t") if i]
sent_sep_pattern = re.compile('([﹒﹔﹖﹗.。!?]["’”」』]{0,2}|(?=["‘“「『]{1,2}|$))') # del :;
sent_list = []
for ele in sent_sep_pattern.split(text):
if sent_sep_pattern.match(ele) and sent_list:
......@@ -22,11 +30,21 @@ class ChineseTextSplitter(CharacterTextSplitter):
return sent_list
def split_text(self, text: str) -> List[str]:
def split_text(self, text: str, use_document_segmentation: bool = False) -> List[str]:
if self.pdf:
text = re.sub(r"\n{3,}", r"\n", text)
text = re.sub('\s', " ", text)
text = re.sub("\n\n", "", text)
if use_document_segmentation:
from modelscope.pipelines import pipeline
p = pipeline(
result = p(documents=text)
sent_list = [i for i in result["text"].split("\n\t") if i]
return sent_list
text = re.sub(r'([;;.!?。!?\?])([^”’])', r"\1\n\2", text) # 单字符断句符
text = re.sub(r'(\.{6})([^"’”」』])', r"\1\n\2", text) # 英文省略号
text = re.sub(r'(\…{2})([^"’”」』])', r"\1\n\2", text) # 中文省略号
......@@ -47,12 +65,11 @@ class ChineseTextSplitter(CharacterTextSplitter):
if len(ele_ele2) > SENTENCE_SIZE:
ele_ele3 = re.sub('( ["’”」』]{0,2})([^ ])', r'\1\n\2', ele_ele2)
ele2_id = ele2_ls.index(ele_ele2)
ele2_ls = ele2_ls[:ele2_id] + [i for i in ele_ele3.split("\n") if i] + ele2_ls[ele2_id + 1:]
ele2_ls = ele2_ls[:ele2_id] + [i for i in ele_ele3.split("\n") if i] + ele2_ls[
ele2_id + 1:]
ele_id = ele1_ls.index(ele_ele1)
ele1_ls = ele1_ls[:ele_id] + [i for i in ele2_ls if i] + ele1_ls[ele_id + 1:]
id = ls.index(ele)
ls = ls[:id] + [i for i in ele1_ls if i] + ls[id+1:]
ls = ls[:id] + [i for i in ele1_ls if i] + ls[id + 1:]
return ls
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