"Overriding torch_dtype=None with `torch_dtype=torch.float16` due to requirements of `bitsandbytes` to enable model loading in mixed int8. Either pass torch_dtype=torch.float16 or don't pass this argument at all to remove this warning.\n",
"/media/gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain/pyenv-langchain/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bitsandbytes/cuda_setup/main.py:149: UserWarning: /media/gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain/pyenv-langchain did not contain ['libcudart.so', 'libcudart.so.11.0', 'libcudart.so.12.0'] as expected! Searching further paths...\n",
"prompt = \"\"\" Respond to the human as helpfully and accurately as possible. You have access to the following tools:\n",
"State of Dialogue History System: 露ᥫᩣ, 张毛峰的对话 - 当需要查找露ᥫᩣ, 张毛峰之间的聊天内容时,这里面的回答是很有用的。输入应该是一个完整的问题。\n",
"Summary: useful for when you summarize a conversation. The input to this tool should be a string, representing who will read this summary.\n",
"The way you use the tools is by specifying a json blob.\n",
"Specifically, this json should have a `action` key (with the name of the tool to use) and a `action_input` key (with the input to the tool going here).\n",
"The only values that should be in the \"action\" field are: {tool_names}\n",
"The $JSON_BLOB should only contain a SINGLE action, do NOT return a list of multiple actions. Here is an example of a valid $JSON_BLOB:\n",
" \"action\": $TOOL_NAME,\n",
" \"action_input\": $INPUT\n",
"ALWAYS use the following format:\n",
"Question: the input question you must answer\n",
"Thought: you should always think about what to do\n",
"Observation: the result of the action\n",
"... (this Thought/Action/Observation can repeat N times)\n",
"Thought: I now know the final answer\n",
"Final Answer: the final answer to the original input question\n",
"Begin! Reminder to always use the exact characters `Final Answer` when responding.\n",
"Begin! Reminder to ALWAYS respond with a valid json blob of a single action. Use tools if necessary. Respond directly if appropriate. Format is Action:```$JSON_BLOB```then Observation:.\n",
"Begin! Reminder to ALWAYS respond with a valid json blob of a single action. Use tools if necessary. Respond directly if appropriate. Format is Action:```$JSON_BLOB```then Observation:.\n",
"Begin! Reminder to ALWAYS respond with a valid json blob of a single action. Use tools if necessary. Respond directly if appropriate. Format is Action:```$JSON_BLOB```then Observation:.\n",
"Begin! Reminder to ALWAYS respond with a valid json blob of a single action. Use tools if necessary. Respond directly if appropriate. Format is Action:```$JSON_BLOB```then Observation:.\n",
"Human: What is 1 times 14\n",
"Human: What is 12111 times 14\n",
"This was your previous work (but I haven't seen any of it! I only see what you return as final answer):\n",
"This was your previous work (but I haven't seen any of it! I only see what you return as final answer):\n",